Friday, May 30, 2008

I've got to brag a bit about my sister. She's a computer programer who is now coming back to her "creative side" in a big way. Where I make art quilts, she enjoys making clothing and accesories. She answered a call from the author of this new book, Sweater Surgery( you can buy it here: ) and below is her page:

So, congratulations, Louise Goldsmith, for getting published!

8th grade graduation night-

I've not lived anywhere that completing the 8th grade came with a lavish ceremony, but, apparently, it's a tradition in Mo., or at least, this part of MO. So, last night, we attended an awards/graduation ceremony for about 2 hours. Then, the students had a dance. Today, the last day of school, was spent at the local amusement park with their fellow students.

So, this is Maura, after the ceremony, but on her way to the dance, where the theme was masquerade, thus the mask. We made it the night before, at the last minute because that's when she remembers to tell me she needs these things. (along with stuff for a party and a pink moustache)

For someone who has spent the better part of two years in Gothic Black, this was a welcomed change and a shock to most of the fellow students, not to mention Mom.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Baby Shower
Thursday, the 5th grade combined classes of Fisher and Johnson gave mrs. Fisher a baby shower. The group gift made from contributions from both classes was a quilt. Each student drew a picture (animal theme) using Crayola fabric crayons onto a 8" sq. piece of paper. This creates an iron-on transfer. I took them home and ironed them to cotton fabric. (the transfers work better with some polyester to the fabric , and great for t-shirts) I used my stash to do simple sashing and borders. I called up the local longarm quilter and begged to have it quilted quickly. He has a soft spot for babies, so he slipped it into his work log and got it back to me in time for me to bind it.
You can see from their faces, they were very excited to see how it turned out. This was the first time any of the kids got the chance to see it either. Later, it was passed around so they could find their drawing.
Substituting for the classes gave me the opportunity to have them work on this and organize the party in secret (with Mrs. Johnson's and the Principal's knoweldge) and I think they created a fabulous party working together with teamwork.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Even on a field trip, Maura was trying to finish the last published book in the series she's obcessed with... The twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer. She has not been so taken with a series since 4th grade and "the series of unfortunate events". I'm happy to see she's reading for pleasure and a series I am enjoying too (unlike the Unfortunate series) Beside her is her good friend, Hannah.

Field trip!
I went along as a chaperone on the 8th grade honor society trip to the State capital on Tuesday. It's a long trip there and back. We had to be at the school at 5:15 am. We got up at 4:00 am. (now, you know why I'm just posting the pictures now. LOL. ) It was a long day.
I think the missouri capitol is one of the most beautiful ones in the country. I was a bit disappointed that we did not get to see the lounge that has Thomas Hart Benton murals on all four walls. We did, however, get to go up to the whisper gallery, waaaayyy up in the dome. Supposedly, if you whisper, the people across from you can hear you. I wouldn't know, because 14 year olds do not whisper, especially in a pack.
For the most part, the kids were very good, at least, there weren't many surprises, although, who would guess 14 year olds would try eating an azalea? Now, that was just out in left field and a bit mystifying. These are the smart kids?
Anyway, the picture was taken from the first floor looking up towards the top dome. I love all the curves! If you look carefully, you can just barely see a sliver of railing for the whisper gallery at the very top. I was there!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Maura met up with her friends to shop. The objective was to get her a nice 8th grade graduation outfit. Now, shopping with Maura can be a trial, so I was game for ANY help. Richard has great taste and he told me, "I want to see her in COLOR!" Frankly, I was overjoyed by that news. If it's not a band shirt form a concert she's wearing, it's black, or white, or sometimes... gray! Jennifer was a forceful shopper as well. Bargain hunters, knowing what was a good choice for the event and our budget. They barked out instructions and Maura followed them.
In a very short time, that had her in several dresses, picked the one they liked most and were off to find the shoes. It was amazing! I don't want to ruin the surprise, but the dress is PINK! A color she hasn't worn since I dressed her!
They all had such a good time together, as you can see. It was a nice day at the Landing and Delaney and I enjoyed our time there waiting. The fountains are back in good repair since the flooding and we enjoyed the music as we watched the people.

Young Authors! Saturday morning, a few chosen students attended an awards ceremony for the Young Authors program. In addition to the awards, the students heard inspirational speeches, met with other young authors from other schools and had a chance to read the other's works.
Here's a picture of my daughter (far Left) reading with some other students. I'm very proud of her for doing such a great job on her book, which was very long, but I told many just to read her opening paragraph. It's as good a bit of writing that I've ever seen. The main problem with writers of this age is that they often get tired of telling a story and end it too quickly. I'm proud that she hung in there and told the story, no matter how long it had to be.