Sunday, May 04, 2008

Maura met up with her friends to shop. The objective was to get her a nice 8th grade graduation outfit. Now, shopping with Maura can be a trial, so I was game for ANY help. Richard has great taste and he told me, "I want to see her in COLOR!" Frankly, I was overjoyed by that news. If it's not a band shirt form a concert she's wearing, it's black, or white, or sometimes... gray! Jennifer was a forceful shopper as well. Bargain hunters, knowing what was a good choice for the event and our budget. They barked out instructions and Maura followed them.
In a very short time, that had her in several dresses, picked the one they liked most and were off to find the shoes. It was amazing! I don't want to ruin the surprise, but the dress is PINK! A color she hasn't worn since I dressed her!
They all had such a good time together, as you can see. It was a nice day at the Landing and Delaney and I enjoyed our time there waiting. The fountains are back in good repair since the flooding and we enjoyed the music as we watched the people.


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