Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Wedding-

It's not often you get invited to a wedding to be held on Halloween, but even then, to know that they will be in costume.( even the minister)
This is a fine example of knowing what makes you happy and going full speed ahead, despite conventions. The bride's family are very interested in colonial re-enactments. Her father is a blacksmith at a local amusement park here that specializes in that era. (if you recall the TV series, "Beverly hillbillies", when Jed and the gang went back home, this amusement park was where they were filmed. ) So, it was no real surprise that they might enjoy a wedding with this theme.
The groom, however, was new to all of this. He eagerly joined in when he realized that he could live out a long held dream of his and be a pirate. I am most amazed at how well his parents joined in. There's a couple of loving, supporting parents!
The wedding was held at a Bed and breakfast just north of Branson, Mo. They have a small chapel down a path from the house. All along the path were pumpkins with fall floral arrangements that were just lovely. The B&B is lovely as well and the owners quite nice about answering all my questions about what it's like to be owners of a B&B.
The reception was like having a Thanksgiving dinner early. Ham and Turkey and all the fixings. A very yummy beef stew baked in a pumpkin even. Homemade apple and pumpkin pie as well as a beautiful wedding cake and a stack cake for a groom's cake.
Both the bride and the groom are employees of my husband. I am quite taken with the groom. (he makes me laugh) But, I like how they together, decided to make their wedding exactly as they wished it to be. They had their rings made (by her father) in a design they decided upon.
There's something romantic for me as well, thinking about how his ancestors in the Tenn. Mountains were similar to the ones who made the trip farther west and settled in the Ozarks. They have a very similar background. I imagine they have a great future.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Birthday party madness-

Delaney turned 9 with a pre-halloween bash. We had games and Dad even did a magic show. Then, When it was time for the girls to go home, a slumber party was added to the mix. Maura decided to do a bit of make-up magic and here's the result.. a bunch of accident victims, with the exception of the Birthday girl, who seemed to go the glamor route.
Fun was had by all. They managed to quiet down by midnight, but sleep was elusive until 2:00 am. I spent the day recouperating!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Catching up-
It's been awhile since I've had the chance to write here. I've been so busy working and then doing what needs to be done around home. And I'm still running behind. And I still have more things to add.
Isn't that always the case?
I am going to be teaching a workshop about printing on fabric. It will be 2 hours each session and I'll be having three in as many months. I'm still working on getting all the supplies together for it. I've had a quilt top sitting here for over three years and, since I'm doing this workshop, I decided to have it quilted professionally. Ironically, it will also fit in with the school veteran's day celebration. Anyway, last weekend, Maura and I drove down to Arkansas to a quiltshop and dropped it off. I got a call today that it was ready for pickup. That was faster service than promised and, since I'm on a tight deadline, that's great news.
I will be doing an art project with the 4-H kids on Tuesday after school. We'll be making pins to sell to benefit the animals rescued from Hurricane katrina that are being cared for in Springfield. It is best when kids see directly where their help is needed and what their work can do. Since 4-H has a strong connection to animal care, this is a great project. I'll need to pick up the parts for this project this weekend.
The school carnival is next week and each class was asked to create a gift basket for the auction. Delaney's class voted and they decided on the theme: PIE. I've had great help from other mothers to make this project come about. We are all getting a kick out of the theme.
The HS homecoming is tomorrow. Tyler has been working on the float after school for the parade that will be in the afternoon. He may be in the parade, I'll just have to wait and be surprised when I see him. Since I'm working at the elementary school, I'll be there with a class to view it. He also wants to go to the game and dance. It's a surprise for us, it's his first sign of wanting to socialize. I have a deep seated hatred of sports, so if he goes, it will be his first game to view. I've always dreaded this moment when he was going to want to go to the game, but I'd hate it even more if I had to go too. LOL! I know that if Maura keeps up with band, that I'll eventually have to go. I just want to delay that as long as possible.
Maura was doing the school fundraiser and so we had to pick that up today as well. We got in a bit late today to deliver, but she can do that tomorrow.
Tomorrow is my last day as a "resource teacher". Monday and Tuesday, I'll be a 7th grade science teacher. Wednesday, I'll need to take Delaney to get her new cast and then I'll teach 9th grade art at church. Which reminds me, I'll need to get my supplies ready for that beforehand.
See? It never ends.