Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Where to start?

I did this lizard a few weeks ago. It's not finished at all, but I'm not sure where I want to go with it. I keep thinking of my mother -in-law when I think of this piece. She was from Cleveland and had moved to North Florida. She was unfamiliar with how the wildlife tends to invade homes and went to put on a dress one day, only to find a small lizard in the pocket. It was so unerving to her, she couldn't look at the dress (let alone wear it) ever again. With that story in my mind, all I can think about is putting a pocket on there someplace!
I am attracted to brights and strongly patterned fabrics. I think it comes from growing up in tropical Florida, where those colors are encountered every day. This is"bright" project is the first in a very long time. I've tended to work in more subdued colors recently. More texture prints.
I think I have my idea for the "why is the sky blue?" challenge. To me, coming up with the idea for the quilt is the most important part and the most time consuming, interesting, nerve racking, creative part. Having THE idea and then figuring out how to create it. Execution is important, but not nearly as much fun for me. I like all the creative decisions that come at the beginning. All the steps of execution are important though. Art needs to be more than a concept in my mind because art is visual communication. It needs to be something other than an idea in my mind before it can be art.


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