Quilt Swap-
The QA list was chatting about art collections and from there it evolved into a quilt swap. It's exciting to think you can expand your art collection by trading with an artist you admire. Of course, it wouldn't be exactly fair if the names of the quilters were there with the photo of the quilt. Afterall, who would want a Joe Blow when you can have Picasso? So, the swaps will be based on the photos of the quilts only. (some you may recognize by their style)
So, I am excited to have finished mine. It's up there and waiting until the formal swap begins.
I was thinking about my art work. My sister, L, has so many of my pieces over the years. So many different things too. Everything from pottery to watercolor, to dolls, to quilts. Small things and large things. She's kept the books I wrote for her daughter and the big drawing/watercolor as well. She keeps saying she likes them, so I keep giving them to her. When I die, she'll have the most extensive collection of my art on the planet.
Now, she'll get stained glass added to the collection. (LOL)
My other sister, A, does keep things as well. Because she collects so many things (and has over the years) I tend to make things specifically for her collections. (rabbits, birdhouses, lighthouses, etc..) But I did make one quilt for her that was not part of a collection. I liked it. I would like to try some of the elements again.
This quilt fits her home and location very well. She lives in rural Arkansas on a mountain top surrounded by trees and wildflowers. (the photo posted is one while it was in progress and not completed)
Sometimes I don't always get a photo of the completed quilt. I try to do a "finished shot" now, but in the past, I sometimes was pressed for time and that didn't happen. There are tons of art pieces I've done that I do not have a record of and have forgotten. Once,at my MIL's, I saw a lovely pottery platter and was curious about it. Turns out, I MADE IT! I completely forgot that one. I've always thought that hand made gifts were more special than buying gifts. At first, I thought it was less expensive, but over time, I think between how stressed I get trying to get them all done and the cost, I'm not coming out ahead that way. It still feels more special when I make them gifts, so I'll continue to offer my family the best collection of art they can get from my hands.
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