Sunday, July 10, 2005

I admit I'm a collector, otherwise known as a Pack Rat. I have long since recognized that I am one and that I will not be changing. But I do have a need to find a way to organize and mange my messes. I have several interests and I have tried organizing things one way, then when that fails, trying another way.
This summer, I've reorganized all my fine art supplies, my computer supplies and all my lesson ideas. I believe they are in a workable system. It's time to focus on the fabric.
I have some challenges. First of all, I have fabrics for different activities. I like doe suede type fabrics for doll bodies, or else heavier, canvas type fabric. I have some fancy fabrics for dolls, furs, fibers. The prints have to be small to be in scale with the dolls, so I have a collection of small scale fabrics.
Then, I have a few pieces of fabrics that could be for clothes. Then, some vintage stuff I've run across. Not to mention a huge amount of fabric samples (and leather)
The overwhelming amount is for quilting. I have that organized by colors and also by sizes along with a box of "scraps".
Now, today I had a brainstorm of reorganization that didn't work. I've discovered that my fabric has been breeding. So, I'll be shifting it to my secondary storage area. Of course, the fabric that's already there needs to be gone through and organized. That storage system isn't working either. I'll need to buy something tomorrow to fix this problem.
Of course, we are leaving in a few days on a family trip, so I probably picked the worst time to start this. I'll need to get this all squared away tomorrow to keep within my schedule.


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