Showing off the cups we got- you can see the two handled white cups on the shelf- Those are the Forever Cups. I'm not sure this is their permanent home, but Steve got some humor from pairing these with the very campy cup Maura got me last year. It was a busy day with me trying to work much harder on my quilt, but had some drying time. So, we took down Christmas and are transitioning into valentine decorations and everyday items up on display. The wooden figure and chair were made by my Grandfather. The shell is one I've had for over 20 years and reminds me of UWF where I graduated. I didn't get far with decorating because I had to take Delaney and some friends to Tangled- so they could write a movie review for their school paper. All in all, a good crowd showed up- 8 students and 2 parents. While we were gone...
One thing that the Forever Cup project has already done was start a conversation about things we have in the house. These are just cups- and we are to keep them forever- and because they were part of an art exhibit, they are to be somewhat elevated in our minds as art objects. But it makes me think (and Steve as well) about family heirlooms and how I know the stories of why they are important, but he does not. In some cases, I know the family story, but not the actual values of the pieces. So, we decided that I should start making a record of things- take photos and write their stories.
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