In other news-
Maura and I went to Springfield on friday for her Dr appointment. The councelor called me in and told me that she didn't think she needed to see her any longer on a regular basis. Maura didn't fit the group that has cronic issues, this seemed to be a case of normal teen anxst. Whew!
So, I suggested we make an appt for mid September, giving Maura time to see what this school year will be like and if she encounters any stressers that she might need help with. That's out plan.
Afterwards, we went to Joann's and walked into a grand remodel/ re-opening sale. Of course we won't win the drawings, but the 50% off one item came in handy. Maura found the pre gathered fabric for children's dresses. She wanted the disney stuff and finally decided to buy the Little mermaid fabric. Once she was home, she sewed up the one seam and she had a cute top.
She has a love of all things Disney that doesn't seem to go with her other image, but is endearing all the same.
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