Day Three-
Today, I decided to call the park ranger I was referred to and it's a very good thing I did. At first, he was not very interested in caring for Alexander, but once he realized I was doing the milk feeding, he told me if I could get him to 3 weeks, he'd take him. That's when they get weaned to meal worms. He warned me that he was seeing several babies that had fallen in the park, that's just part of the deal and not to be upset if Alexander didn't make it. It's hard to keep one this young alive. Why was it a good thing i called today? Well, he's retiring next week, so if i didn't get a contact number from him now, I would have had no one to pass this guy off to when the time comes for him to fly.
I was feeling so good about the progress we've been making. Alexander has settled into the feeding position well. He took his bacterial medication as if it was a treat. He's settled into a routine of drinking then taking a small nap in my hand, then waking to top his tummy off.
Saddly, I noticed this evening he wasn't using one of his hind legs. It's curled up close to his body and he doesn't use his toes at all. I'm afraid somehow, it was injured, but I don't know how.
I'm hoping for the best, but that dims his viability somewhat. I may start to see a decline or I may find him using his foot again. We'll just have to wait and see.
Tyler came home from his re-inactment camping trip and was surprised to see we had a bat now. He thought it looked cool. he came home with a "gandalf pipe" (a long clay pipe) , a spy glass , a knife and a hatchet which was dull from all the throwing he did this weekend. I guess he had a good time.
Meanwhile, at the moment, my youngest is entertaining her BFF and a neighbor boy and his BF on the deck. It's a late summer night, the lightning bugs have already risen over the roof and it's exactly what hanging out with friends is all about. Ah! Summer!
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