Projects today-
I've been working on my 'why is the sky blue?" challenge piece today. I really like the direction it is going in. I've replaced parts that I didn't like. I had a difficult time deciding on fabrics for certain parts. I finally got all the parts as I like them and will work on putting them all together this week.
I had an idea of the direction I wanted to go in, a simple statement, but today, I realized it had a much deeper and bigger meaning. I like that I can make a statement I think is important in this quilt.
Then, for the rest of my afternoon, I decided to try cutting glass in particular shapes. I discovered it was much harder than just randomly cutting glass. I didn't realize how many tiny pieces of glass you end up having and how many pinpoint cuts you get too. Maybe because I'm new to cutting glass and still don't have the hang of it.
I was able, however, to cut enough pieces for 4 ornaments about 4"square. Tomorrow, I will solder them together and see what I have. My goal is to have enough stuff for a crafts sale in November. Nothing too big, just small items for quick sales.
Not bad for a day's work.
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