Hump Day Blues-
Maura and I went to her last scheduled Dr. appt last night and things look good. We went to Jo Ann's afterwards and bought a few things (fabric, of course) but Maura was lusting for fabric with no clear idea of what she wanted to make. It is hard to shop for something like that, but we picked a plaid twill with the general idea of a skirt and vest from it. It's strange, but I'm attracted to darkly romantic fabrics these days and not sure why. It's like I'm on the verge of an idea, but I'm just not there yet. Totally frustrating! I've had the same quilt on my design wall for months and it's just pure stubornness that keeps me from taking it down and starting something new. It's not the quilt's fault, but I've just looked at it too long. So, it's time for me to just hunker down and get the poor dear finished so I can move on.
I've had some inspiration issues and I've been very patient, waiting for it to come back, while filling my time watching hulu. I did a "greek" marathon this weekend and got sucked into it like it was a soap opera. It's sad.
School started and the calls have been light, which makes me panic, but I should just chill out and have fun quilting while I can. I was disappointed with the school system for how they dealt with the President's speech to the students. They called and said it would be optional but they would have the opportunity to view it , but neither one of my kids ever had the chance- no one announced it was on, or where to watch it. My HS student "sort of" saw it was on across the lunch room, but by then, she had missed it. My MS student never had the chance. Frankly, I think several of the kids in school would have benefited from hearing someone say they need to take responcibility for their education, but what do I know? I should not be so concerned since I know I'm doing a good job as a parent (see verification above) LOL !
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