Sunday, August 09, 2009

Summer Cruise-
I know, a weird thing for me to be doing, but, Branson was overflowing with all sorts of interesting cars this weekend for this:
and I had never gone to watch the Midnight cruise, mostly because it starts at Midnight!
It ended up being a great night with my son and some of his co-workers, none of which are car nuts, so the conversations were pretty funny.
I was technically challenged more than anything else by camera issues. First, I spent some time taking pics of cars before the official cruise started. Then, my camera battery ran down mid way through the cruise. So, I pulled out my phone and took video with it.
When I got home, I started downloading pics from the camera and promptly "lost" them somewhere in my computer. They didn't go where they were supposed to. Since it was after 3 am, I decided to work on it today. So, got up this morning and started the deep search. I found them in the recycle bin, of all places! When I reclaimed them, I couldn't find them still, and the search began all over again!
I finally found them, but oddly, the videos I took on my camera wouldn't import into Movie maker. I ended up using the video I took from my phone along with stills I took with my camera.
I know it will never win any photo quality awards, but i think I did ok with what i had to work with.
As far as the evening went, I enjoyed it. Afterwards, the kids all wanted to meet at Denny's and make plans for the week.


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