Crazy makers
Perhaps some of you have read the book, "the Artist's Way. If not, you should. If so, then you recognize the term that I've used for my title tonight. A crazy maker is someone who often portrays themselves as an artist, but really , often in the kindest of ways, try to derail you and they thrive on controversy.
I've decided I've recognized another such person on a discussion list I belong to.
First, they say (actually whine) that they can't make art, they don't know how. Could someone please help them make the leap from craft to artist? Oh, they are so humble. They sound so pitiful, they are just so confused and don't know where to start. So, you write to offer aid. Oh so prettily, it's rejected. She's just not ready to make that incredibly artistic vision she has in her head. She'll go back to her craft. OK.
But then the appeal begins again. "Please help me with this technique" Then, a big announcement.. "I've done it! I'm a real artist!" Ok.
Then, suddenly, she's able to participate and get offended in discussions about art. "Well, if that's how you feel, then I guess I'm just crafty!"(and you have hurt my feelings because you don't agree with me)
Then, a few days later, a note says that she is trying to live an "artful life" and rising above criticism. OK.
Then, the whine begins that it's not fair to define art a certain way because she doesn't understand the art terms. She doesn't know what the principles of art ARE... so, again, she must be just "crafty".
When someone points out there's nothing stopping her from learning those things, she says she can't and has a long litany of reasons why she can't.
Notice I said "someone" because it sure isn't me any longer. I'm onto her and I'm not rising to the bait any longer.
Who is she trying to kid? She can read every email from the group and take offense, but she can't read about the principles of art?
The interesting thing about crazy makers is that they are often very entertaining. They can be very witty. There's something entertaining about people who jump all over the place emotionally. They can be very fun when they are high, they can just be so pitiful when they are low. For those of us who tend to be rather stable, it's a fascinating dance as long as you don't get sucked into it. We have to remember that there will never be anyone who has had a childhood worse than they have, never have as many challenges or barriers to creating art than they have, and we will never come close to having a creative vision as good as the one they just can't seem to produce.
I know someone just like that, too. And it's continued for years and YEARS! Isn't it interesting how those of us who actually produce something kind of band together and they are always on the fringes?
They may be witty and the like, she is crafty, she's sucking the life right out of you. Just say "No"!
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