Forced Hiatus-
I wouldn't have neglected this blog for this long if it weren't for extenuating circumstances.
I was thrilled to have cable connection after being on dial-up for so long. We all are very happy campers, able to surf and play games and download demos all at the same time. But, that's only when the cable works. When it doesn't, I am frustrated by trying to keep up with my email, some critical messages, and I miss being able to share stuff here too.
Long ago, when we first moved to this area, the only cable company was a co-op. It eventually was bought out. We moved to a more remote area, but it was about this time when I realized the cable company wasn't doing a great job maintaining the cables. We eventually switched to satellite because we were tired of the cable going out every time it rained. Of course, a dense cloud knocks the satellite out of service, but that's reasonable. So, now that cable connections for computers exist, we are now forced back into using the same tired wires that have still not been maintained well. How do I know that? Well, three or four years ago, we had a bad storm on Easter morning that took out a large tree and the electric pole on our street. By late that day, the electric company showed up and strapped the pole to a tree, connected the wires and we had power again. Later that week, they put in a new pole and transferred all their wires to the new pole. The cable company's wires are still attatched to a pole that is still strapped to a tree.
If you think this sounds ridiculous, don't even get me started about the telephone company! It's even worse.
So, at least, for now, tonight, I'm able to be online long enough to write here. Woo Hoo!
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