Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Turtle time-
I just finished this quilt for an exhibit in September. The theme of the show was "gilded" and I LOVE to embellish, and I've had moments when, looking back, I think I've gone too far. So, this one was an exercise in controling that tendacy. Most of the gilding comes from Shiva oil sticks in gold, silver and copper. I added a touch of gold thread in the quilting of the shell. The only other touch of gilding is the eyes, which are antler bone buttons with foil added to them. Very shiny!
Turtles are on our minds around here recently. We have two red-eared sliders that are getting a bit too big to stay together any longer in the same tank. Luckily, my DD#2 class has decided they need a classroom pet and voted to take one of the turtles for the year. I'm personally hoping that one of the kids in the class fall in love with him and want to take him home with them! We also get the side benifit of seeing how a seperation effects the two turtles. We'll measure each of them now and then measure them again later. We anticipate the one going to class to end up smaller than the one here because of the tank sizes. I'm also curious about how they will deal with being apart for the first time since, well, maybe ever, since we bought them together when they were an inch big.


At 4:31 AM, Blogger Ferret said...

This is a real wow of a piece. I think you've got your gilding bang on. Hope it does well for you.


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