Saturday, November 01, 2008

This week's events-
"It's been a busy week in Lake Woebegon" is how Garrison always begins his story portion of the radio show and today, I'm feeling like I can do my own version.
Monday, Delaney had her volleyball game. These are intermural games, so they are playing their classmates. It was a hard fought game, but they lost. There were plenty of great volleys during the game to make it exciting.
Wednesday, Our church had a halloween party with trunk or treat being part of it. Trunk or treat is like house to house trick or treating, but using car trunks instead. Most everyone decorated their cars. One nice thing was all the guys from the confirmation class showed up to pass out candy. They paired an older class with a younger one so there were one on one escorts.
They also had a cake walk and some games inside.
Thursday turned out to be a busy day. I worked as a band director, then Delaney had volleyball practice until 6, then we attended a special opening night of the veteran's day room in Branson.
Branson has a large celebration for veteran's day. This room will be open during the celebrations for the veterans to rest, relax and connect with others durring that week. The walls are decorated with art and other projects made by area students. Delaney wrote an essay and one of the vets made a frame for it. She was interviewed for an online magazine and several photos were taken. I was very proud of not only how well she wrote, but how well she spoke to the vets. it was a good night.
I worked friday and had the chance to see the small kids (k-1st grade) in their character costumes. Delaney made plans to trick or treat with friends, maura attended a party and spent the night with a friend. Tyler was supposed to pass out candy at the store, but he got lost in a video game and never got ready. I decided this would be a time to let his lack of time management work for me. I stayed home and relaxed.
I hope to go to Springfield tonight and hear Obama speak.


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