Projects in Progress-
I started this quilt last summer to commemorate the "summer of the bat" in which we spent a week trying to save a baby bat... and failed. I had a limitied amount of the blue fabric I used for the background of the bat blocks and went on a search to find more. I didn't remember where I bought it. Anyway, I found a fabric that I thought would work and I have to say I'm liking the subtle differences. I'm just making this up as i go along and quite a lot of this is just pinned at this point. When I finish the rows of 9 patches all around, I still want to grow it another 12" wide and 24" long. Still musing about how to do that.
But, for now, I've been working on stripping a piece of furniture for my LR and am waiting for it to dry before I bring it up from the garage. Next- refinishing a table. I'm thinking that the base of it is in good shape- I just need to do the top portion. Hopefully, I won't get the stripper all over and have to strip the whole thing.
My garden is starting to produce several tomatoes, cukes are close, squash are dying (dumb vines) and I'm battling japanese beetles on my roses (among other things). We saw a mama deer and two fawns walking in our back yard yesterday. I don't mind them as long as they leave my veggies alone.
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